02 March 2010

Words on you..

Write any words to describe how she/he, someone in this hall or outside......
about how she/he is effect(s)ing in your life... love

then, crayons were spreading around the hall.


the best words for describing all of human beings that are close to me!hehe siapa? jgn tnya!

early- awal jer, suma benda nk cepat.dah berjangkit kat aku~
trigger-sibuk jer nk ajak aku ikut join benda2 baru dan yg aku malas.
stimulate- ni part paling best, aku seorang yg takut ntuk mencuba2, haish! selalu xpercaya ngan kebolehan diri sendiri.now, dah berani sikit.

tapi xkisah la words apa yg aku guna ntuk appreciate
yg 'selalu ada bila aku perlukan mereka",
still x akan wujud perkataan paling sempurna ntuk describe mereka-mereka.


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