25 July 2010

You make my day!

xtau mau express this feeling rite now~
selalu macam ni kan.
after going through the conversation with you.
the atmosphere around me will chnages 360 degrees.
seem like everything in this world will make me smile 24hours.
kind of exaggerating, rite?
after all of those past months....plz be fine.
you are the only one who can bare with all my crazy talks.
having a little chat with you is like a therapy for me.
hopefully you won't find this blog.
kalau tidak, mesti teruk kena kutuk ngan kamu nanti.heh.
having you in my life,
knowing you in my life,
it is one of the greatest things that GOD gives to me.
Terima kasih TUHAN.

can't wait for d sunshine~


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