22 January 2012

What have I learn from my F-Y-P....

FYP is a Final Year Project that is a must for an undergrad student like me.
Finishing 'em, & u will graduate~ sound quite simple. ^_^

There goes all the rant bout the FYP. and my FYP is dealing with a living things.
Stevia...a perennial plant. photo-period dependent type.and sweet.

Generally, I need to plant them a lot..harvest their seed and see what factors will make them grow. then look after them either they grow  or not.
If not....I need to find out either they are viable or not. (viability test)
Move on...combining all the factors that promote their growth, grow them in the field again.

What can I say about my FYP...it is closely relates to human being too.In what way?
Here...I tell you.
As human grow up...we learn things. do and don't. our environments will shape us.
...what we will be in the future.
then, as we are aging...we make mistakes.. always realize a mistake can't be done twice. cause the second one is not call mistake anymore. We always look back and see why there is a mistake..analyze them. with the hope they will not occur again. see... the process of being a human is quite similar to my FYP~ hehe

Just that~

 P/s: minta maap.. broken english...bnyak sgt tgk muvie~ =P


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